Searching CVs

As a recruiter, sourcing relevant CVs and filtering through the large volumes is a costly and time-consuming process. Although there is an increasing number of platforms and job boards that offer access to their database of CVs, gaining access comes with a price.

Searching CVs

Well, you can rejoice, because with Apply4U, you have completely free access to our candidates’ internal database. All you have to do is subscribe to our platform, and you're free to skim through to your heart's content.

But that's not all! We also help you filter your search so that you only spend your time on CV's that are relevant for your clients. You just apply your criteria into our search fields, and our system will pull through the best matches. You don’t even need to worry about duplicated or outdated CVs, because we curate our database daily.

Professional Screened CVs Service

But that's still not all! Our experts are on hand to help you at any point. Just click here to gain access to our most popular service on the platform. We'll provide you with candidates that are suitable to the profile you are looking for. Just fill in the form with the requirements you wish for and choose whether you want to receive a list of CVs once per month or daily. On the once-off deal, you are able to tell us how far back you’d like us to search, which is ideal if you are looking for active and passive job seekers. The daily deal focuses on job-seekers that have been active in the last 24 hours making this the ideal option if you are looking for flaming hot candidates!

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